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How to Cheat Anti Plagiarism Software: Can it Really be Done?

  • Posted by Amanda
  • June 29, 2017
How to Cheat Anti Plagiarism Software: Can it Really be Done?

Let’s not pussyfoot around. If you are wondering if it is possible to trick anti plagiarism software, you are probably up to something. After all, why would you need to cheat plagiarism checker software unless you  had a paper you didn’t write yourself, and you wanted to pass it off as your own.

Maybe you found a paper online that you think fits your needs. Maybe you are borrowing an old paper that a friend wrote. Now you want to know if an anti plagiarism checker can be fooled. We would love for you to read further. However, if you are getting distracted already, we will make things short and sweet. Never try to cheat a paid or free anti plagiarism checker. You are playing a game that you simply cannot win.

Let’s check out a few ways in which people try to cheat anti plagiarism free software. We think you will be quite surprised.

Using Macros

Some students use macros in an attempt to fool anti plagiarism checker free software. Don’t count on this working. Most well written anti plag software will strip macros out before it does any checking.

Breaking up Text or Rewriting

You may be able to pass an anti plagiarism check by breaking up lifted text or rewriting it slightly. However, the truth is this is a pretty risky bet. Besides, if you are going to go to all of that trouble, why not simply cite your sources and use quotes and paraphrasing properly.

Using Foreign Letters

There are letters and characters that exist in foreign language sets that are visually indistinguishable from the letters in your own language. Students frequently swap out characters in order to trick free anti plagiarism software. Before you try this, keep in  mind that this is not a new trick and the best software can detect these efforts.

Make Your Text an Image

This one can sometimes fool your plagiarism scan software. There’s just one problem. How can you pass word count or citation format guidelines your instructor has established if all of your text is embedded in a picture. Wouldn’t it be awful to pass a plagiarism scan and then get caught up by your professor?

Stop Fooling Around And Let a Pro Work on Your Paper

If you have determined that you cannot or will not write an original paper, there is really only one decision to make. Take a failing grade, or hire a reputable company to work on your academic paper. If you choose the latter, we will be happy to point you in the right direction. Our top writing services offer guaranteed originality along with quality work. You won’t need to worry about plagiarism scans!


Beating anti plagiarism software may be a tempting challenge. Just remember that they have dozens of coders working hard to stop students like you from figuring out and beating their algorithms. Better to be safe than sorry in this case.

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